Our goal at Peak Performance & Prevention is to empower you to live your best life.
How do we do that? First, we do a deep dive into your biology and look at a variety of advanced labs. Second, we meet with you to discuss your strengths and vulnerabilities. Third, we work with you to restore your health through the 5 Pillars of Health. Mastering these pillars will allow you to live the life you want while achieving your wellness goals. Now that doesn’t mean mastery will be easy, but our team can help get you there overtime.
- Nutrition
- Sleep
- Stress
- Detox
- Movement
These pillars may not surprise you, but they are critical for vibrant health. For example, we all know that hydration is important, but are you drinking half your body weight in ounces most days? If not, as a P3 member you can collaborate with one of our Health Coaches to figure out the right plan for you. If you are meeting your hydration needs, you will notice that your urine is clear and that is a great sign for your detoxification system!
What about detox? Are you having a bowel movement at least once per day? What is your alcohol intake like? These are all components that are important to evaluate for your health and goals. These questions along with many others is what P3 is all about. We are here to support you through advanced lab testing, genetics, in-depth reviews with your provider, and coaching based on the accountability you desire to make change.
This is the foundation for empowered medicine. If you are curious about becoming a member and figuring out which pillars need attention, view our plans for more information.