Wellness Center in Puyallup

Our History

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Starting a Wellness Center in Puyallup

Our team has learned through experience that human health is met by achieving mental, emotional, and physical health. Nothing acts in isolation. And the current healthcare system is broken.

We decided to fix it. Through functional medicine, we use scientific fact and clinical analysis to choose the best of the best for our members and guests. It’s why we started a wellness center. The human spirit and happiness are dependent on vitality and health—and every one of us is responsible for this pursuit.

How P3 Came to Be

A decade into her family medicine career, P3 Founder and CEO Michelle Murphy realized that the modern healthcare system required too many patients to be seen to make a living—which left little room for helping guide patients, learning what was new on the frontlines of research, or providing the level of care she expected would be part of the work in Family Medicine.

Then Michelle discovered “functional medicine.” It applies the investigative work of biology, physiology, and advanced diagnostics and combines it with education and support for the patient, putting them in the driver’s seat of their own biology. It is “root cause medicine” that doesn’t rule out what actually works because it’s not the latest brand-name product. This reignited Michelle’s drive to make the world a better, healthier place.

Her biggest hurdle was how to make time to support each patient within a system that doesn’t pay clinicians to teach and reverse disease but rather to suppress symptoms. Michelle knew there was a better way—and she learned from her patients that they were willing to take on a new adventure and risk with her.

In 2016, Michelle sold her home, and in 2017, she took what equity she had and started Peak Performance and Prevention, LLC (affectionately known as P3). The rest… is healthy history.

Our Mission

In a society that profits from disease, choosing health is an act of rebellion. That’s why we call it a revolution.

We reject the inevitability of disease at any age.
We believe health is a learned skill.
We will change the world by championing the individual.

The healthcare revolution starts with you.

Our Values

Health is obtained with intention.

Your ideal health can’t be a vague hope. You have to make it an aim, a purpose—and then plan how to achieve it.

Clinicians are teammates and educators, not only diagnosticians.

Your health journey doesn’t have to be a solo path. We’ll be there, leading, following, and walking with you.

Teaching and learning require time.

As your goals become closer, the process takes time—time for your body to adjust and heal, and time spent with your clinician and coach to make sure progress is happening.

Integrity is obtained with honesty and accountability.

We believe in transparency about the treatments, prices, and expectations. We’ll hold you—and ourselves—accountable for progress.

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The P3 Plans

Our plans for functional medicine in Puyallup fit your commitment, with payment options to fit your budget.

P3 Intro Plan – $1000

This structured health promotion plan starts with an intensive lab panel to understand your current health, a review to talk about your goals, and getting personalized recommendations for your success.

P3 Annual Tx Plan – $3000

This 12-month plan includes the P3 Intro Plan, but goes deeper with 3 comprehensive lab panels/year, follow-up lab reviews, an acute care visit, body composition measurements, discounts on P3 services and products, and more!

Plan Your Journey to Optimal Health

  • Step 1:

    Start Your Enrollment. Contact us, and let’s determine which plan is right for you. Then, we can schedule your blood draw and intake appointment—and get you on your way to your goals!

  • Step 2:

    Collect & Review Labs. You’ll have your blood drawn and a body composition scan. We’ll have some action items for you, and when your labs come back, we’ll take 90 minutes to go over them and truly plan your steps forward.

  • Step 3:

    Execute Your Plan. Now is the time to make intentional changes. You’ll have a game plan, plenty of support, and continuous accountability to keep you on target for your goals.

  • Step 4:

    Repeat Labs & Adjust. As a P3 Tribe member, you will have 3 lab draws per year, followed up by visits at your wellness center in Puyallup, where your clinician and coach identify progress and make any needed adjustments to your plan.

  • Step 5:

    Achieve Optimal Results. Health is a journey, and we are here to empower you with personalized information to live the life you wish to live. Change is not easy, but having a support team makes it possible. We’re here to empower you to reverse disease and optimize your health!

Meet the P3 Team

Our clinicians consist of ARNPs, nurse practitioners, health coaches, and medical assistants. You may also hear them called “Needle Boss,” “Aesthetic Boss,” and even “Herb Boss.”
We’re serious about your health, but we also like to make the process fun for everyone. So get to know the P3 people who take concierge medicine in Puyallup to a new and more accessible level.

Our Team

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Contact Us

P3 is a judgment-free space where all are welcome. Let’s talk about what’s important to you today.

Request Appointment

The P3 Tribe Says It Best

  • Each time I visit P3, I learn so much about my health. Michelle is amazing, as…

    S Pele.

    Each time I visit P3, I learn so much about my health. Michelle is amazing, as is every one of her staff. Professional and knowledgeable, and they care, which is unusual in the health profession nowadays. There's always a new way to conquer my issues, tho' it may take time....I always achieve results. Gwen has also been extremely helpful in my journey. I recommend P3 to anyone who needs extra information on their health journey...

    S Pele.

  • Gwen and Dr. Brooke are so supportive and encouraging. They offer suggestions to work with my…

    Cassandra J

    Gwen and Dr. Brooke are so supportive and encouraging. They offer suggestions to work with my lifestyle and specific needs, I feel very lucky to have them! For the first time I feel like I am getting full body medical care and I already feel so much better!

    Cassandra J

  • I love P3! The office staff is friendly and helpful. My quarterly lab reviews are informative…

    Joyce E

    I love P3! The office staff is friendly and helpful. My quarterly lab reviews are informative and help me understand my chronic conditions. My visits with Dr. Courtney are both friendly and professional. I usually don't enjoy medical appointments, but I like catching up with Courtney as we become better acquainted.

    Joyce E

  • Audris is talented and lovely. If you have a chance to work with her definitely go…

    Kahanu K

    Audris is talented and lovely. If you have a chance to work with her definitely go for it. She's done my botox and filler for a few years now and I've followed her to Peak Performance. It's a welcoming and clean location with lot's of services :)

    Kahanu K

  • I cannot say enough good things about my experience over the past few months with P3.…

    Mikkell R

    I cannot say enough good things about my experience over the past few months with P3. Courtney is unbelievably knowledgeable in multiple disciplines and brings her wealth of knowledge to each patient. She has helped me find solutions to issues that have plagued me for 25 years. I can’t express how grateful I am to have solutions to these problems. I appreciate the holistic answers that are guiding me to be healthier than I have ever been. I am also grateful for the appointments that are the opposite of the 10 minutes I got with mainstream doctors. Courtney takes the time needed to review my test results and then meet with me for as long as 2 hours. I am gaining the knowledge and tools I need to support my body to be its healthiest

    Mikkell R

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