Nutrition Coaching in Puyallup

Health Is a Learned Skill

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Treatments Needed:

Depends on progress

Treatment Length:

45 minutes to 1 hour

Results Duration:

Lifelong, with personal commitment

Live Healthier and Feel Better with P3 Coaching

Optimal health and wellbeing doesn’t just happen by itself. It takes learning, engagement, and commitment. Or as any coach would tell you, if you want to be good at something—you have to practice!

Enrollees of a P3 Treatment Plan have already committed to feeling better inside and out. Joining the P3 Tribe means they can also access our health and nutrition coaching in Puyallup. These programs, when put into practice, will empower you to take control of your health and transform your life.

What It

Our Health and Nutrition Coach in Puyallup helps you understand your metabolism and create changes in your life so you can live better. Our health coaches guide and support you every step of the way:

What It Treats

Chronic Conditions

Metabolism Hurdles


Poor Overall Health


Continuous Support

Your health coach will provide regular check-ins, answer your questions, and provide ongoing motivation and support to keep you on track toward your goals. Together, we will create a personalized plan to address your unique health needs and empower you to reach your goals.

Holistic Improvement

Being healthy and living your best life involves body, mind, and spirit. Our health coaches recognize the significant impact of mental and emotional well-being on overall health. They will help you develop strategies to manage stress, improve mindfulness, and enhance your emotional resilience.

Personalized Guidance

When you choose P3 for health and nutrition coaching in Puyallup, you get a comprehensive and personalized approach. Our health coaches work closely with you and your P3 Clinician to assess your current health status, understand your goals and challenges, and develop a customized plan.

Pick the Plan That Meets Your Needs

Enjoy an extensive introduction to your true health status, or choose the P3 Annual Tx Plan for even more benefits. Plus, you get access to services for health and nutrition coaching in Puyallup.

P3 Intro Plan – $1000

The P3 Intro Plan delivers a crystal-clear understanding of your current health status. It includes an extensive lab panel, body composition analysis, and EKG. Once all of the data returns, your P3 clinician will analyze it and go over all the details with you in-depth.

P3 Annual Tx Plan – $3000

In the Annual Tx Plan, you receive all the benefits of the P3 Intro Plan. In addition, the P3 Annual Tx Plan gives you an acute care visit, discounts on P3 services and products, up to 3 comprehensive lab panels per year, follow-up lab reviews, and more.


Our P3 team of medical professionals practice functional medicine. We offer a multi-disciplinary approach to wellness, delivering custom, personalized treatment plans that include proven treatments and techniques from both traditional and modern medicine.

Our team of highly trained health coaches combine these principles of functional medicine with individualized support and guidance to help you make sustainable lifestyle changes and reach your health goals. When you understand not only your current health but how and why you can get better, that’s when real transformation begins.

Our Members Say It Best

  • I began with p3 in June . I am very happy with them. I have been…

    Bill K

    I began with p3 in June . I am very happy with them. I have been getting IV therapy from Adria several times a month . I feel great. These people are professional, and amazing.

    Bill K

  • Gwen and Dr. Brooke are so supportive and encouraging. They offer suggestions to work with my…

    Cassandra J

    Gwen and Dr. Brooke are so supportive and encouraging. They offer suggestions to work with my lifestyle and specific needs, I feel very lucky to have them! For the first time I feel like I am getting full body medical care and I already feel so much better!

    Cassandra J

  • Over three years ago my left ankle was hurting. I was limping for 2 weeks. A…

    Gary S

    Over three years ago my left ankle was hurting. I was limping for 2 weeks. A MRI determined the pain was coming from an old ankle injury. I strained the ligaments playing football in my youth. Brooke suggested Prolotherapy. I never heard of it so she spent some time explaining what it is and how it works. It sounded strange to me and to be honest the little voice in the back of my head was saying “What is this voodoo?” I was desperate so I gave it a try. It was a course of 3 injections and within a week of the first injection the pain and limp improved. Three years later the ankle still feels great with no restrictions. November of 2023 an MRI showed I tore my meniscus in my left knee and also exposed a lot of arthritis. My mind automatically went to “ I’m going to need another surgery”. My gym Trainer said there are more options than surgery and suggested I go see Brooke again. Brooke suggested PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Injections. It was another series of 3 injections spread out over 2- 3 weeks. Brooke said I should feel better 1- 2 months after the last injection and that the therapy should continue to heal for a year. It’s been 2 months after the last injection and I’m back in Spin Class and riding my bike. I’m thrilled that I avoided another surgery. I asked Brooke to tell me some jokes to distract me from the needles. The injections were not that bad thanks to Brooke’s corny jokes which were much more painful. Ha Ha! Stay out of the OR and visit P3 for an alternative healing! Thank you Brooke! You’re the best!

    Gary S

  • I love P3! The office staff is friendly and helpful. My quarterly lab reviews are informative…

    Joyce E

    I love P3! The office staff is friendly and helpful. My quarterly lab reviews are informative and help me understand my chronic conditions. My visits with Dr. Courtney are both friendly and professional. I usually don't enjoy medical appointments, but I like catching up with Courtney as we become better acquainted.

    Joyce E

  • Audris is talented and lovely. If you have a chance to work with her definitely go…

    Kahanu K

    Audris is talented and lovely. If you have a chance to work with her definitely go for it. She's done my botox and filler for a few years now and I've followed her to Peak Performance. It's a welcoming and clean location with lot's of services :)

    Kahanu K

  • P3 does it right. They not only give you a doctor following your health in detail,…

    Kristi S

    P3 does it right. They not only give you a doctor following your health in detail, but time with a nutritionist as well. We work to eat whole foods and reduce sugar in our diet, avoiding fast food. But there are still things to learn and ways to improve. My appointments with Gwen Krieger, have helped me to understand how my body is responding to my diet. It helps especially when you level out in a plateau during your journey to healthy body composition. Thank you. Gwen!!!!

    Kristi S

  • On my first visit, I was told it would be a journey to health and not…

    Michelle D

    On my first visit, I was told it would be a journey to health and not a quick fix. Gwen actually estimated a 2 year journey. Over the course or roughly two years, I went from being obese with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anxiety, pre-diabetic and insulin resistant to being 50 pounds lighter and in great health- no longer pre diabetic or insulin resistant and off most of my meds. This place literally saved my life and I will always be grateful!

    Michelle D

  • I have been a patient for years and each year keeps getting better! The entire staff…

    Marissa H

    I have been a patient for years and each year keeps getting better! The entire staff is incredible! When I get asked what I do to stay so healthy snd youthful, I always give credit to P3! Thank you guys for helping me on my life journey! 💜

    Marissa H

  • In comparison with P3, going to "the doctor" feels like going to McDonalds. Whereas at P3…

    Spencer O

    In comparison with P3, going to "the doctor" feels like going to McDonalds. Whereas at P3 you sit down to a fine dining experience. Two hours talking about your health, your labs, and your concerns with a highly skilled medical provider - it could change your life. Highly recommend.

    Spencer O

Explore Options Wherever You Are

Our Virtual Consultation Tool allows you to point out where on your body you want to improve your health, and it shows you recommendations for treatments and therapies. It’s free, it’s fun, and it’s available 24/7/365.

Virtual Consultation Tool

Best Paired Treatments

Emsculpt NEO

Hair Restoration

Peptide Therapy

The Process

  • Step 1: Consultation

    Health and nutrition coaching in Puyallup starts by enrolling in a P3 Treatment Plan. This secures access to our coaching services. Depending on the plan, you can receive lab panels, body composition analysis, and an electrocardiogram (EKG). Understanding your baseline gives us our starting point. Then, we’ll go over an in-depth analysis of the data and talk about your needs and goals.

  • Step 2: Treatment

    Our health coaches join you and your P3 clinician during this process. Your personalized plan will help you optimize your nutrition with dietary recommendations, meal planning support, and education on balanced and nutrient-rich eating. We’ll help you with lifestyle changes that promote rest and reduce stress. Our health coaches also provide effective behavior-change strategies and techniques to build healthy habits for life.

  • Step 3: Results

    Your health coach will monitor your progress, checking in with you regularly to talk about hurdles, provide guidance to keep you on-track toward your goals, and answer all of your questions. We understand that making sustainable changes can be challenging. That’s why we are wholly committed to guiding and supporting you on your journey to optimal health that lasts a lifetime.

Pre & Post Treatment

Staying at Our Peak

Hitting a burnout stage is bad—especially when you just want to help people feel good and live better lives. 

That’s what happens when dedicated healthcare professionals get tired of an outside company coming between them and their patients. A broken system breaks even the best doctors.


At P3, we decided to disrupt that system. We practice functional medicine, where science-based, clinically proven treatments come from different disciplines to achieve one goal: the patient’s health.

We don’t allow insurance companies to dictate your treatments. Instead, we offer transparent, reasonable pricing without the inflated rates. And we get you in quickly for appointments, treatments, and help.

Welcome to P3. The healthcare revolution has begun.

Our History

Don’t Miss Out on P3 Specials

Discover limited-time incentives on Peak Performance & Prevention treatments, products, and therapies that heal bodies and rebuild confidence.

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