IV Therapy in Puyallup

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Treatments Needed:

1 to 6, depending on condition

Treatment Length:

30 to 60 minutes

Results Duration:

Depends on condition

A Direct Health Boost with IV Therapy

In Puyallup, our clients love living an active life. From sports and athletics to traveling and sharing time with family and friends. They’re on the go.

As a patient, you can keep up the pace with IV Therapy at P3. These simple and relaxing treatments deliver essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals directly into your bloodstream for maximum absorption and impact. Your IV treatment is based on your labs, so the doses and nutrients are specific to your personal needs.

What It Treats




Anti-Aging Benefits

Nutritional Support

Iron-Deficiency Anemia treatment

Immunity Boost

Mental Focus and Acuity

Overall Health Boost

Illness Support



IV therapy provides an excellent solution for dehydration caused by illness, excessive physical activity, or simply not drinking enough fluids. By replenishing your body with essential fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients, IV therapy at Peak Performance & Prevention helps restore hydration levels quickly and efficiently.

Athletic Performance

Whether you’re a professional athlete or a fitness enthusiast, IV therapy can optimize your performance and expedite recovery. Infusions designed for athletes deliver a combination of electrolytes, amino acids, and antioxidants to replenish nutrients lost during intense workouts, promote muscle recovery, and reduce inflammation.

Immediate Access

IV therapy is a powerful and efficient method of delivering essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals directly into your bloodstream. This process bypasses the gut’s slower, destructive digestive processes. Instead, your cells receive immediate access to your personalized IV formulation, which makes the results faster and highly effective.

Plan for Better Health

Our P3 plans offer your best value for achieving better health. It’s like concierge medicine that’s available to all.

P3 Intro Plan – $1000

The P3 Intro Plan includes an extensive lab panel, body composition analysis, and EKG. Once all of the data returns, your P3 clinician will analyze it and go over all the details with you in-depth for a clear understanding of your health status.

P3 Annual Tx Plan – $3000

As an Annual Tx Plan enrollee, you will get all the benefits of the P3 Intro Plan along with an acute care visit, discounts on P3 services and products, up to 3 comprehensive lab panels per year, follow-up lab reviews, and more.


When you take supplements or eat healthy foods, your digestive tract breaks it down and moves it into your bloodstream for dispersion. During that process, a lot of good stuff is lost as your stomach acids tear apart the food/pills.

IV therapy in Puyallup completely bypasses this destruction and loss. Instead, all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and hydration go directly into your bloodstream for 100% usage by your cells.

Our Members Say It Best

  • I have been a patient for years and each year keeps getting better! The entire staff…

    Marissa H

    I have been a patient for years and each year keeps getting better! The entire staff is incredible! When I get asked what I do to stay so healthy snd youthful, I always give credit to P3! Thank you guys for helping me on my life journey! 💜

    Marissa H

  • Each time I visit P3, I learn so much about my health. Michelle is amazing, as…

    S Pele.

    Each time I visit P3, I learn so much about my health. Michelle is amazing, as is every one of her staff. Professional and knowledgeable, and they care, which is unusual in the health profession nowadays. There's always a new way to conquer my issues, tho' it may take time....I always achieve results. Gwen has also been extremely helpful in my journey. I recommend P3 to anyone who needs extra information on their health journey...

    S Pele.

  • I love P3! The office staff is friendly and helpful. My quarterly lab reviews are informative…

    Joyce E

    I love P3! The office staff is friendly and helpful. My quarterly lab reviews are informative and help me understand my chronic conditions. My visits with Dr. Courtney are both friendly and professional. I usually don't enjoy medical appointments, but I like catching up with Courtney as we become better acquainted.

    Joyce E

  • Audris is talented and lovely. If you have a chance to work with her definitely go…

    Kahanu K

    Audris is talented and lovely. If you have a chance to work with her definitely go for it. She's done my botox and filler for a few years now and I've followed her to Peak Performance. It's a welcoming and clean location with lot's of services :)

    Kahanu K

  • Gwen and Dr. Brooke are so supportive and encouraging. They offer suggestions to work with my…

    Cassandra J

    Gwen and Dr. Brooke are so supportive and encouraging. They offer suggestions to work with my lifestyle and specific needs, I feel very lucky to have them! For the first time I feel like I am getting full body medical care and I already feel so much better!

    Cassandra J

  • Over three years ago my left ankle was hurting. I was limping for 2 weeks. A…

    Gary S

    Over three years ago my left ankle was hurting. I was limping for 2 weeks. A MRI determined the pain was coming from an old ankle injury. I strained the ligaments playing football in my youth. Brooke suggested Prolotherapy. I never heard of it so she spent some time explaining what it is and how it works. It sounded strange to me and to be honest the little voice in the back of my head was saying “What is this voodoo?” I was desperate so I gave it a try. It was a course of 3 injections and within a week of the first injection the pain and limp improved. Three years later the ankle still feels great with no restrictions. November of 2023 an MRI showed I tore my meniscus in my left knee and also exposed a lot of arthritis. My mind automatically went to “ I’m going to need another surgery”. My gym Trainer said there are more options than surgery and suggested I go see Brooke again. Brooke suggested PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Injections. It was another series of 3 injections spread out over 2- 3 weeks. Brooke said I should feel better 1- 2 months after the last injection and that the therapy should continue to heal for a year. It’s been 2 months after the last injection and I’m back in Spin Class and riding my bike. I’m thrilled that I avoided another surgery. I asked Brooke to tell me some jokes to distract me from the needles. The injections were not that bad thanks to Brooke’s corny jokes which were much more painful. Ha Ha! Stay out of the OR and visit P3 for an alternative healing! Thank you Brooke! You’re the best!

    Gary S

  • On my first visit, I was told it would be a journey to health and not…

    Michelle D

    On my first visit, I was told it would be a journey to health and not a quick fix. Gwen actually estimated a 2 year journey. Over the course or roughly two years, I went from being obese with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anxiety, pre-diabetic and insulin resistant to being 50 pounds lighter and in great health- no longer pre diabetic or insulin resistant and off most of my meds. This place literally saved my life and I will always be grateful!

    Michelle D

  • I cannot say enough good things about my experience over the past few months with P3.…

    Mikkell R

    I cannot say enough good things about my experience over the past few months with P3. Courtney is unbelievably knowledgeable in multiple disciplines and brings her wealth of knowledge to each patient. She has helped me find solutions to issues that have plagued me for 25 years. I can’t express how grateful I am to have solutions to these problems. I appreciate the holistic answers that are guiding me to be healthier than I have ever been. I am also grateful for the appointments that are the opposite of the 10 minutes I got with mainstream doctors. Courtney takes the time needed to review my test results and then meet with me for as long as 2 hours. I am gaining the knowledge and tools I need to support my body to be its healthiest

    Mikkell R

Our Online Virtual Consultation

Mid-day or midnight, wherever and whenever, our virtual consultation tool lets you explore the P3 treatments that can achieve your goals.

Virtual Consultation Tool

Best Paired Treatments

Lab Testing


Peptide Therapy

The Process

  • Step 1: Consultation

    A consultation isn’t a necessity to receive IV therapy in Puyallup, but it is a great idea. Your initial consultation is free and allows your P3 clinician to truly understand your concerns and your goals. During this one-on-one, we don’t judge, we don’t try to sell. We just want to make sure your custom IV formulation contains the correct hydration, vitamins, minerals, and/or nutrients to address your needs.

  • Step 2: Treatment

    We’ll seat you in an IV Therapy chair and make sure you’re comfortable and have what you need to pass the time. When you’re ready, your P3 clinician will place the IV and start your custom infusion. Depending on what the IV drip is treating, the treatment will take from 30 minutes to an hour to complete. Our clinic maintains the highest safety, cleanliness, and professionalism standards, ensuring your comfort and well-being throughout the process.

  • Step 3: Results

    IV therapy in Puyallup hydrates your body efficiently, delivering your custom IV bag formulation directly into your bloodstream where cells can immediately access it.  Once the therapy is done, most of our clients feel refreshed. Over the course of the following days, you may also experience further benefits as your body continues to metabolize the contents of your IV infusion.

Pre & Post Treatment

This Is Peak Performance & Prevention

We’re out to disrupt a broken healthcare system—plain and simple. As a group of motivated healthcare professionals, we take the focus from corporate profit and return it to where it belongs: on the client.

It starts with education. You should know your current health situation, in detail, and understand fully the possible treatments and therapies that can help. That way, you can make the smartest choices for your healthcare as you move forward.

At P3, no insurance companies dictate your treatments, and you don’t have to wait weeks for treatment or to even be seen. We’re eliminating the barriers that keep you from the treatments and therapies you want and need.

Efficient. Effective. Patient-driven. This is what healthcare should be.

Our History

Check Out Our P3 Specials

Peak Performance & Prevention offers specials and incentives on treatments, products, and therapies that heal bodies and rebuild confidence. Claim your limited-time favorite now.

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